Ok... To date all the bonus chapters are things which can be artifacts - and with Callahan's coroner report and the SDC press release you had/took the time to do the graphics to make them paper.

The bonus chapters are also things you've said didn't really fit into the main narrative...

So, when you eventually do your second draft/ebook version (I won't suggest you take the time to do this with existing bonus material like this journal - who has the extra time? Better for you to move forward with the narrative) hang a lantern on all of the bonus chapter material. Lay them all out like hardcopy (the portal physics notes become a lecture transcript, this journal entry is now taken from SPD's evidence locker) with the paper texture, etc. I think shifting from the typical typset layout to graphically designed papers would be immersive while separating the bonus materials from the main narratives while allowing the bonus materials to stay in their current relative placement between chapters.

And it would be stylish as hell.

Ok, your dramatics personae doesn't fit that pattern, unless it's the call board for the office? Or that's the bonus chapter you drop.

Either way, that's a £99.95 idea!

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Ugly. Ugly, ugly. Sure, "problem at customs..."

I suspect Max-Earth also isn't quite as idyllic as she'd believed. Probably better than Pallinor and Mid-Earth, but, still...

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The abuse of beings simply trying to escape crappy lives is such a familiar truth in our world that your scenario played right into historical context (I.e. Underground Railroad, escaping war torn countries). It made this journal feel much more real to me.

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The challenge (and fun!) of Triverse is always in that interplay between the fantastical and real issues, and how one illuminates the other.

Laryssa’s story plays into so much of the wider plot, so I’m glad it still resonates.

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I wonder what did happen to the others. Probably nothing good, considering.

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I was wondering the same thing.

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