My goal is to read all of the classic utopian literature so I can learn from the greats as I write my own!

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ALL of it. I always appreciate that when you have an idea, Elle, you properly go for it. :)

Don't think I quite have time to join you on your big reading list, but I will be watching from the stands, cheering you on and learning by proxy. :P

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Thanks Simon 🥰

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Thanks for this space; it’s lovely reading other writers’ intentions! I just launched a foodletter about cooking, family and life on a Maine island and am committed to writing and testing recipes!


Will also continue writing my weekly newsletter, 100-word microbursts of lit and art, and submitting a chapbook to various contests and publishers.

Best wishes to all for a fun, creative year of writing.

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Careful, you might summon Geoffrey Golden with all the talk of food writing. ;)

Sounds great - best wishes for all those submissions. It's something I'm terrible at: I spend so much time writing my newsletter, I struggle to then look outward at other opportunities.

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Edits continue on Greyskin, my forthcoming book from Deixis Press (due in April), and my first job is to finish From Within, A Darkness, my next Ray Adams book.

After that, it's time to get serious about my next James Kinsley book, whatever that might be.

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In terms of 'the next book', do you tend to have lots of ideas always bubbling around that you pick from, or do you have a specific period where you sort down and consider what's next and come up with a bunch of stuff at that point?

I'm trying to avoid the slightly naff "where do your ideas come from?" question that always seems to get asked at book events. :P

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I've got a couple of WiP's that I need to get back to, but there are always random thoughts (mostly terrible) that bounce around, distracting me

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Random terrible thoughts have a habit of turning into excellent thoughts, if you give them a bit of space, I find.

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Hey Simon, thanks for asking. My goal is to publish a collection of my own short stories and poetry this year. I'll also be building out the foundations of my fictional planet called Havek over on https://havek.substack.com/

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Nice, are you self-publishing that collection or going another route?

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Self-publishing! I’m doing research at the moment but KDP is looking pretty compelling.

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I recently updated my 2023 goals list to include 4 big things I'm legitimately excited about working on this year. Normally my lists consist of those things I simply MUST do (regardless of how little I want to) in order to reach (insert unrealistic end scenario here). So, this year I'm focusing on: 1. Submitting short fiction pieces to lots of publications/contests (the ones that don't cost money to enter) 2. Querying the heck out of one YA novel 3. Preparing a second YA novel for serialization on Substack in the Spring, and 4. Reaching a particular subscriber count on Substack. I've set that bar pretty low, hoping if I continue to fill my site with eclectic fiction and engage with my readers, the numbers will take care of themselves. 🙂 https://stockfiction.substack.com/ Thank you for the prompt to share our plans, Simon. Now that they're here in writing, we're all committed to seeing them through, right?

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I clicked your link and somehow it slaps me back to this page. I think it might be the backsplash.

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I'm going to willingly admit, I don't know what "the backsplash" is. But see if this manages to bypass it. https://stockfiction.substack.com/ If that doesn't work. Here's a link to my most recent post. Maybe that will get you in the door. Thanks for clicking. https://open.substack.com/pub/stockfiction/p/awkward-af?r=tftu6&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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That was supposed to say " backslash", but apparently autoincorrect wants me to remodel a kitchen. I'm in. I'm officially a subscriber.

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Thank you! I'm happy to say I know what a backslash is! Good luck with your kitchen remodel. 😉

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Sounds like you're doing a cool variety of work! I'm editing a thriller but it's on a little rest for a few more weeks until I go back to it. I'm also carrying on with my newsletter here (The Matterhorn) and experimenting with some new directions specifically for writers.

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Looking forward to that. I've just subscribed - looking forward to browsing the back catalogue.

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One of the main goals I have for 2023 is to be more active commenting on Substack.


But seriously, I want to dig in more and have some good conversations and make some good connections, which will, I think, lead to finding more good writers and more good readers finding me.

Along with that, I'm working on my next book (books?) and working on getting my latest book out the door.

Here comes the plug:


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The Substack Grow sessions and the various networking events around the start of 2022 (and some in late 2021) were fantastically useful for getting my head around the platform and meeting interesting people - such as yourself. It does feel like a place in which it is time well spent.

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Ha! Good timing, as I just wrote up my plans for 2023:


TLDR: releasing book 2 of my series, releasing a middle grade book I'm writing with my 9-YO daughter, and releasing my first comic book.

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Those are three very exciting things. Co-writing with your daughter sounds AMAZING. I've love to know more about the process there.

Looking forward to the comic, too. I'm currently poking tentatively at doing some short strips myself, which will be stepping a long way outside of my comfort zone.

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Thanks! You're in the second person in as many days to ask about our process, so definitely adding that to my list of upcoming posts to do.

And awesome about the comic strips! Will they be Triverse related or something else?

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Something else entirely. Just a seed of an idea at the moment...

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I'd like to publish a short story on my Substack every month. I also really need to make progress on my novel, but I'm not sure when I'll have time

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Good luck! It's all about juggling time, isn't it? I'm trying to make some hard decisions about how I spend my time, to prioritise the writing and publishing.

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Having a day job certainly makes it trickier, as does not being a particularly fast writer.

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I'm also going to continue working on my weekly serial, Battles Beneath the Stars. I need to set up a buffer for chapters again after the holidays. I may already have some chapters for next month ready, but I want to be even further ahead so I can make sure everything flows properly.


I've been toying with writing a more traditional prose reader magnet for Battles Beneath the Stars, showing various characters before the festival and tournament are announced. Only problem is that knowing me it might end up being longer than the suggested word count for reader magnets.

For side projects, reading Dracula Daily last year got me thinking about ideas for a sequel that involves Aztec mythology, where the son of the Dracula protagonists and the son of an Aztec god team up to fight an undead conquistador. Not sure how to work it into the Warthog Report or if I want to publish it elsewhere, thanks to Dracula Daily there's a lot of Dracula fans familiar with substack now.

Maybe I'll publish other fiction on my substack and make that the paid incentive, but a weekly serial + other monthly fiction sounds like it's begging for burn out. Regardless I would like to write and share more things that aren't Battles Beneath the Stars, I enjoy the project, but I don't want it to consume me.

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Reader magnets are tricky. I have a pretty basic sample of Triverse as a magnet which I use on BookFunnel. Having just got Affinity Publisher I'm looking to update that to something a bit fancier, which then leads people more gracefully into the weekly chapters.

Your Dracula sequel idea sounds great fun!

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deletedJan 9, 2023Liked by Simon K Jones
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I'm working on getting a short nonfiction book out quickly this year. It's about how to succeed (and not fail) in your first 90 days in a new job.

I'm 16 chapters into the longer nonfiction book I started writing last year about becoming invincible in your work and life. Still cranking away on that every month.

But I'm also finally exploring fiction, which is what I've wanted to write since I was a child. I'm using a new Substack to capture ideas, draft chapters, poetry, etc. I've got various drafts written for dark sci-fi, fantasy, and even some horror.


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It must be satisfying to finally get to pursue fiction! I was in my mid-30s before I started writing fiction properly.

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Well, I'm much older than that! But yes, it does feel good. I've been wanting to do this my whole life. A stuffy professional career in tech got in the way for decades.

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What was it that finally made it doable? For me, weirdly, it was having a son and having far LESS time than normal. I seem to become more productive when I have a lack of time, rather than when I have an abundance of it.

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Leaving my corporate job over 12 years ago was the start. But, I guess it's been writing nonfiction professional material for the past 6+ years that made me want to write more, but write fiction instead of dry professional articles and books. I want to have some fun with my writing and explore my creative side.

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Nice. I wonder whether you'll find new techniques practiced while writing your fiction will feedback into your non-fiction work.

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I think so. I've already started adding more storytelling, scenarios, and dialogue to my nonfiction writing. Hopefully, it makes it more interesting!

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Well, I need to get better at promoting my backlist. I have a couple of projects that need to be written and put up on Kindle Vella before the bonuses go away, and I want to get the next long-postponed fantasy trilogy written and published by early 2024. I'm also upping the number of short stories I will have in circulation. I also plan to get all of my books up on Ingram Spark so that they are at least available in paperback, and will be looking at creating hardcover versions. I might...even start managing BookFunnel and selling my work directly. Lots of stuff in the works, but there's a lot of non-writing tasks involved.

As far as the Martiniere Stories Substack is concerned, I started a new book there which will probably take most of the year to finish serializing.

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Sounds like you're going to be busy. I'm also thinking I really need to get my backlist up and running as ebook and print. I have a lot of good material stuck on other platforms at the moment, which is a bit of a waste.

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Jan 31, 2023Liked by Simon K Jones

My project this year involves expanding on my reimagining of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and doing so by reading all 14+ books along with hundreds of other readers. We're analyzing each chapter week-to-week. So far it's been a lot of fun!

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My plan is to publish my spy novel here on Substack and start plotting my next written adventure! The hard part for me is choosing which idea to pursue fully 🤪

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The intention is to write more fiction, but in practice I'm writing a lot of posts analyzing other people's books and stories. I'm still producing a chapter or an entire story each month, they just aren't getting published since I keep wanting to revise them further and then maybe submit them to magazines or anthologies. Or maybe I should just post my semi-edited first drafts online and not worry so much?

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Publishing as I go is certainly what I do - but if you're looking to submit to publications then you'll probably need to hold off, as they likely won't take anything that's already been released. Tricky one! Submitting to magazines is something I want to start doing as well, if I ever make a bit of space around my newsletter writing...

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I'm getting closer to the 1000 story milestone on Substack https://jimmydoom.substack.com. I certainly hope I get there before I go mumbling off into the abyss of madness from publishing daily.

Out of relative nowhere I was offered a staff writing position for a TV/ Streaming Pilot, so getting my first episodic writing credit has been added to the list, and I'll more than likely publish a paperback collection of some of my Substack favorites before the end of 2023. And of course 1000 paying subscribers would be truly lovely.

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How exciting! Sending you success vibes ✨🙌💃🏻

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Thanks, Alexa. I'm hoping to add some new VO credits this year too 🎮🎤

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Awesome! I’m focused on numbers and metrics this year, on monitoring things related to my writing more closely. I’ve also written a lot of stories that I’ve never shared, so hoping to get those out as well.

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deletedJan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023Liked by Simon K Jones
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Substack has been quite an inspiring place for my writing, I've found. Wattpad used to be my main platform, which was pretty good for finding fiction readers but not so good for identifying a writing community. Substack, so far, has been largely the other way around.

Sounds like you have a busy slate for 2023. I'm fascinated by LitRPGs. I don't think it's something I could write, but they're clearly MASSIVELY popular. Where would you publish them? As a kind of hybrid form I'm really curious about it.

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LitRPGS have me interested as a concept but then the long lengths of the ones I look at tend to intimidate me. I need to make more of an effort to give reading them a try since it sounds like my kind of thing.

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A few hundred chapters still sounds pretty long to me, especially since with how many are serialized I assume each chapter is a worthwhile update on its own. Once the number of installments hits three digits reading the whole thing starts to feel like work. I'll check out yours.

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deletedJan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023
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50+ chapters a month?? What length are these chapters?

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