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Here's where you can find useful resources for fiction writers - plus my fiction
Hello! This newsletter is about writing more. I’m not going to teach you how to be a better writer — there are other people far more qualified than me to do that — but I will help you get pen to paper more frequently.
The best way to improve as a writer is simply to write, so getting those words down is really quite important.
First up, if you’re looking for my fiction, here’s a quick jump to it:
I’ve been writing this newsletter for over three years, so there’s a lot of good stuff to dive into. Here are some starter links:
How to write serial fiction guide
I go into a lot of detail about writing serial fiction, but sometimes you don’t have time for all of that. If that’s you, here’s a quickstart that won’t waste your time:
If you want to know the nuts-and-bolts of writing your own serial fiction, I’ve got a multi-part, start-to-finish guide for you:
Video tutorials
As and when I get time I like to put together video guides to useful writer tools such as Scrivener and Substack. You can find them all here.
Here’s one that remains very popular:
I write science fiction
There’s nothing worse than someone giving advice who has never actually done the thing. It’s important for me to demonstrate that I’m not just making this up. I’ve been writing serial fiction for over a decade, and my latest project is Tales from the Triverse.
It’s a science fiction and fantasy detective anthology series. A bit of everything. You can read it from the start in order, or dive into a specific story, using this handy index:
What else is there?
A lot! You can browse the entire archive over here. There’s also a handy search button up the top.
There’s a sort-of-live chat that I tend to hop into every Thursday to see how everyone is getting along. It’s a useful bit of gentle accountability! You’ll need the Substack app but it’s pretty easy to use.
This is a lot. How much does it cost?
I tend to keep my writing free and open to all. I might paywall the archives one day, but right now you can dive into all of it without paying a thing.
That said, it’s a lot of work to put all this together. If you would like to support the newsletter, the best way to do it is with a subscription. It gets you some bonus bits and pieces:
An ebook of Tales from the Triverse, making it much easier to catch up on everything that’s been published so far
Post your own questions and discussions in the chat
Book a 30-minute video chat to discuss your writing projects and pick my brain
Occasional paid-only posts
If this were a bound book on my shelf, it would be dogeared by now. Thanks!
I’m glad I found you. Looking forward to learning more here.