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Non Spoiler:

I'm not sure exactly which interviews were in those volumes, but note that "Bureau 13" was supposed to return under that name, but, after production, the production staff discovered the TTRPG "Bureau 13: Stalking the Night Fantastic" (Tri-Tac Games. I happen to own the game). So they dropped the B13 name. Assume B13 was a splinter of the main related conspiracy and that particular cell was dissolved in the aftermath of the Abel Horn incident.


Horn does thematically tie into past (Ikarran War Machine) and future (revelation of what's piloting Shadow vessels) plot points. Horn is obviously an experiment based on Shadow tech control systems - but only in retrospect.

As Simon noted, in some ways it seems like the writers aren't talking, and Simon's likely right. JMS was VERY tight lipped about his major arc points, which lead to inconsistencies whenever other writers were brought in (TV show, comics, novels). Eventually JMS would release DiTillio as script editor, and take over all writing duties. After season 2, only Neil Gaiman will have a non-JMS screenplay, while Harlan Ellison will share one story credit with JMS. For better or for worse Joe will write everything.

Which is quite possibly for the better. Seasons 3 and 4 are the peak of the show. S5 will suffer in comparison by 1) needing to stretch to compensate for 6 episodes cut from s4, 2) introduce a major new character, 3) a reduced budget, 4) moving from a six day shoot schedule to five.

On a related tangent early s2 has a bit of the same problem, since we're having to re-establish our new lead, and Sheridan is more or less coming off as a nice goober who likes oranges and conspiracy theories and smiles a lot - until "All Alone in the Night" re-contexualizes him with one scene... ("I don't like spying on my own people!")

Simon, I suggest re-reading this blog post just before watching "A Race Through Dark Places." You've dropped some Talia comments this week, and "Race" has one of the most major Talia beats of the entire series...

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