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Jun 12Liked by Simon K Jones

This was the episode that locked me in. This mix of epsiode plot plus backstory was nearly perfect.

I'm a huge fan of Michael Ansara, especially when a little over the top is what you need. He was great in DS9 and is still *the* voice of Mr. Freeze. Having him deliver that line to Londo was a perfect move. I waited nearly every episode for that payoff.

I agree about WIlliam Forward. His decision (assuming it was his) to take on that odd sort of eastern European accent that Jurasik used really sold him as another Centauri noble and even added a little menace. Stephen Furst would put it on every once in a while (notably when he answered Morden's question), but often slipped back to American English.

I took the Drazi storyline as an homage to "Let that Be Your Last Battlefield." I don't know if JMS ever confirmed that.

I had no idea that it a new director had joined, but in retrospect it makes sense.

This one convinced me that replacing the lead with a completely different character and *leaning* into the differences was the right move. I didn't know, of course, that it would require some serious hand waving when it came to a certain critical part of the arc (no spoilers) but to me, seeing how Sheridan deals with the Drazi and Garibaldi in very different ways than Sinclair would have, at least when it comes to his demeanor, told me that this was a new era, but still a good one.

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