I need to go back and fill in comments on all the chapters I haven't done yet (which won't be tonight), but I will say two weeks ago I didn't expect last week to be Daryla going full-on Jason Todd (DC's comics second Robin who died in the 80's, was reborn in the 00's, who initially used his training to take over a criminal gang).

I DID expect this week to have Lola point out all the ways Daryla was being stupid.

Poor Lola. She's just been moving from "no good solution" to "no good solution" situations.

It's the nature of crime fiction, but, overall, you're putting your characters through the wringer much more in Triverse than your prior stories.

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It will be interesting to see how Lola resolves this dilemma. I guess we'll have to wait until next Friday's post.

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