I am writing and publishing a serial "on the fly" and it is certainly a different challenge than writing a novel in private.

But I don't believe anyone is a complete "plotter" or "pantser." Having a story idea is plotting in your head and writing fiction is "pantsing." I think how much of each we do depends on what we are writing and the length. And personal preference.

On a related note:

The new Counter Craft newsletter [ https://countercraft.substack.com/p/plotter-pantser-scribbler-scribe ] was about the terms pantser and plotters, and it appears that Lincoln and I agree that there are too many ridiculous terms like Pantser and Dribble in writing. 🤣

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Thanks for the pointers and about creating things like red-herrings and hints at what's to come later in the story. I'm currently writing as I publish one of my stories because the other one is already completely written. I'm a plotter and use the Save the Cat beat sheets to plot a story but as I write, I incorporate arcs and sometimes come out with some great stuff that wasn't a part of the story at inception.

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