I never would have guessed this plot line resolved with Clarke's quarry breaking into his quarters and having Clarke chew him out and tell him to (effectively) call their mother, fer cryin' out loud!

And, a few more hints of world building. I ain't gonna call "Red Dust" a B5 shout out, but "Down Below" might be.

Part way through the chapter my brain kicked out a previously unknown portal buried in Ceres. Hey, nothing says there aren't more portals in the solar system! But, then I realized an active portal on Ceres would be silly as its other end would either be in, well, an alternate Ceres, and effectively blocked, or in vaccum.

I'll just assume the message from Lola IS from Lola as I still don't think you'd just kill Lola off-page. But how in the hell Lola got a message to Clarke will be a good tale. Who else is with Lola in Addis? Daryla? Lola's guard toygirl whose name I'm too lazy to delve back into "Garbage" to find? The monster slayers? So many possibilities... That possible plot point I've brought up a couple dozen times in the past - my odd fan theory Lola is, unknown to herself, descended from a Palinese expat and actually has magic potential herself? Well, if I'm correct with THAT wild swing, in the past five years she'd have had time to discover so and learn... So I guess that'll be settled once and for all soon enough.

Hmmm. 50/50 odds next week is in flashback, not the "present."

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I did originally toy with the idea of Clarke actually visiting the koth hive, but couldn't come up with a decent reason for that to actually happen. Of course, the off-the-grid koth colony is very much not in line with the planning rules & regs on Ceres, so the fact that Clarke has that knowledge is not ideal. He has no professional obligation to report it, given that he's not working for the authorities in an official capacity, but still...it'll probably prey on his mind.

As for Lola - the other thing to consider, as well as the excellent questions you raised, is what she's been up to for the last FIVE YEARS. It's been a long time.

Definitely an impending flashback, though might not be next week. A few other people to check in with first.

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