That was a brilliantly gnarly start to the chapter this week, Simon. Discussing the splat radius of a falling body. Also Kaminski telling Nisha to take up smoking to help her chill out was hilarious. Have a feeling this could be moving into more horror territory than previously but could be wrong 🤔

Anyway, really enjoyed it and looking forward to next weeks chapter 👍🏼

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This murder-mystery is definitely "heating up," and it will be interesting to learn what Mr. Boorman (what a name!) adds to the investigation.

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Thanks, Lenny! I think Chakraborty might come to realise that she's actually not the most powerful person in the room, at least when she's in Boorman's room.

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Really enjoyed that! Beautifully written. And the right level of intriguing...

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Thank you, Linnhe. It's such a tricky juggling act to be intriguing without being frustrating. Thanks for reading!

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As ever, I am amazed by your networking skills! Wow! Do you need to ask permission to tag these guys or do you just tag and reference well and hope for the best? I'm always worried the other person will be irritated if I tag them, I mean since I have no actual connection to most of the people that I read here...

As for the story? I think I need to dig into the history a bit, it seems like it would be rich and fascinating. I like how you used the elevator bit, because what else does one do in an elevator besides think or other, less appropriate, things, but it fit, and I am impressed. I can't wait to see what Mr. Boorman has to say about the unfortunate demise of his party guests.

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Thanks, Jenny! I tend to tag and hope for the best. :) That said, I only ever tag people if I'm saying something nice. I have no interest in tagging someone in a passive-aggressive, Twitter-ish manner. Generally, I'll only link to stuff that I think is cool. The overall vibe around here I hope is positive, which in turn I hope means that people won't mind the occasional shout-out!

The elevator scene was fun to write. One of those moments that could just be a single sentence. "They went up to the top floor." Nothing actually happens in that scene, but it was a useful character moment. That these two are thinking a lot of stuff but not actually communicating it to each other tells you everything you need to know about them!

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Oh and as for character moments. I have a few like that. It always feels like the boring scenes, the interim stuff where there's not much action, but you need those too.

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Ah, Simon, I so appreciate your shout-out of my little list! Your stamp of approval means the most. 😁✨

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Thanks, S.E.! And no worries - it's a great list!

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Human omelette... And I thought some of MY jokes in tonight's comment storm were cringy...

Ah, good to see somewhere, deep down, Nisha still has one dull ember of "things can be better." Needed that after her public discourse on the power of pessimism. Yes, jump Zoltan. He needs it, too. Just, no drugs, no high buildings.

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No of course of course, always be nice. It's just you tend to tag a good few people each time. But you know what that's so smart. Instead of leaving them a comment, tag them in your newsletter, that way they will come see what the tag is for and maybe read a little. I think I might just try it. 😏

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