Aaah thank you so much for saying nice things about this badge. I posted it on a whim Sunday. I didn't expect it to get so much attention. Mostly positive. It's uplifting to see all the wonderful versions artists have made for the challenge. Nearly 200 now! https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/hibadge2024/

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Wow, I'd missed all of those. Lovely!

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And with one casual sentence, wily old Louis XV gets George Washington killed.

Interesting to see how Sally (with her little crush) will react to learning the truth of Justin.

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A rather delicious detail, I thought. Quite a few arrests and 'accidents' befell people in North America following this exchange. It's good fun playing with the diverging timeline, and where things stay the same and change. e.g., Napoleon is still going to come to power, but it all plays out quite differently.

Most of that background alt-history stuff isn't especially important to the main story I'm telling, but it's fn flavouring.

RE: Justin and Sally, I'm enjoying seeing Justin reacting to the appearance of the portals. For a being that basically knows everything that is happening at all times and can extrapolate into the past and future with a fair amount of accuracy, those portals have completely skewed the algorithms. The same thing is happening in the main storyline, with the arrival of the rogue AI.

Justin finds it all very exciting, of course.

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Jun 21Liked by Simon K Jones

For me, the alternate history is part of what makes Triverse so fascinating! You clearly put a lot of thought into building out the world, how consequences would play out, and it shows.

As for Sally, she makes me want to challenge myself to write a similarly unfortunate, less well-educated character--in short, someone who is the opposite of my own point of view. I don't do it nearly enough. Her confusion & struggle with processing everything that's happened in this chapter was very relatable though. Well done!

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