"Doing her bit to make the world a slightly better place, one cup of tea at a time."
I liked that line: I'm not a tea person, but I appreciate the sentiment. Also, as someone born in the late 80s and grew up in the 90s, I was thinking Independence Day already, and I wouldn't have been able to resist either.
"Doing her bit to make the world a slightly better place, one cup of tea at a time."
I liked that line: I'm not a tea person, but I appreciate the sentiment. Also, as someone born in the late 80s and grew up in the 90s, I was thinking Independence Day already, and I wouldn't have been able to resist either.
"Doing her bit to make the world a slightly better place, one cup of tea at a time."
I liked that line: I'm not a tea person, but I appreciate the sentiment. Also, as someone born in the late 80s and grew up in the 90s, I was thinking Independence Day already, and I wouldn't have been able to resist either.