What in the actual FUCK, Logan are you HIGH or just the biggest idiot in three dimensions? The aftermath of a triple bombing is absolutely the wrong time to lower security protocol, you twat! Let shit be late! Yup, Logan just displayed what I call "Next-Gen Syndrome." Named for the Trek series, it's when I realized that Next-Gen characters are largely idiots without their computer support. It crystallized for me in that episode where crystal nodes started growing on Enterprise's systems and the holodeck started acting as a "subconscious." Our heroes walked into the holodeck where a holo character was assembling a jigsaw puzzle of Enterprise overlayed with a crystal structure and no one could figure out what it meant. When your "highly intelligent" crew can't recognize a goddamn progress bar, you've got problems. (There's also the season 2 episode where it took the entire episode to figure out they needed to reboot from the clean backup to purge the computer virus. A solution 15-year old Mike had by the end of Act I.) Anyways, Logan is that stupid. Yes, yes, I realize Logan is at the mercy of the author who needed someone to be REALLY STUPID at the wrong time so the bad guys could progress their plan, but, damn! It's even worse that he immediately starts running through all the ways security could be compromised and shrugs it off with, "gee, I hope no-one takes advantage of this!" Next time we see him, he'd better be getting fired. Stupid git. Sigh. At least the SDC crew are smart folks... Funding good, scrutiny, maybe less so. Big changes ahead for all of them. Merry, Happy, Jolly, Bah-humbug to you and yours, Simon.

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