Also, I love Kaminski's cynicism laced with a bit of optimism; of late, I've felt that way myself.

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Kaminski is the endless cynic, but he’s not nihilistic about it. He wants things to get better, he just doesn’t know how to make it happen.

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Happy extremely belated birthday!

Yikes, bombing a university. Not cool. Not cool. I'm still wondering about the one on Max-Earth: did the planet make it? That was the one where the space elevator was collapsing? Oh boy.

Jeez, bad luck for the heist people. And for anyone in the path of Holland and Hobb. I'm guessing they're not going to be scrupulous about legal protocol as they're going out.

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Yeah, this storyline was a real cluster of bad news for everyone. I’d forgotten how tricky it was to pull all those threads together in a way that made sense and also enabled the story to move forward from an investigation perspective.

Because I’m always moving forwards with Triverse, I often forget the specifics of when and how I wrote certain scenes. I’m enjoying reading your comments and having them remind me!

In fact, and you won’t get to this for a while, a character was reference in last week’s published chapter partly due to you commenting on ‘Bombings: Part 1’, which jogged my memory. It was a minor detail, but a nice callback.

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"If none of that makes sense to you, you should probably start reading at Chapter 1." Ha! I laughed aloud at that. Then dove into the somber (sombre?) chapter. Gee, I hope someone thinks to seal off the portal station and shut down the railway in the next ten minutes of story-time. Which probably just leaves a building-killer bomb going off somewhere random. But, outside the blast won't be channeled, so you end up with a wider damage radius, but (hopefully) less catastrophic results. I wasn't expecting Zoltan to live with his parents. I no longer need to feel concern for the cat. Dopur venom is much stronger than it needs to be for a "knock out and eat" purpose - obviously the dopur regularly consumes things with hardier constitutions than humans. Interesting use of magic. Pretend we had a long discussion on if it's easier to manipulate gravity than try another tactic like making palm sweat sticky, or levitation. I considered a short burst of acceleration designed to top out at the top of the mesa, but I assume that short burst would "jellify" the subject. We'll ask an AI megaship. 😉 And there's the Palinor bomb... Happy B-day to Y! I'll check back Sunday for the expanded Author's Note. Still no carriage returns.

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Yeah, sticky hands would also work, but it depends on the skills and training of the wielder. In this case, Yana's speciality is manipulation of gravity.

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90° offset pools of gravity is a more interesting method, anyway.

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