Well.... Shit. Since between reading the chapter and typing this I fed cats and medicated Ghost - which I bring up because the 15 minutes or so taken let me mull things over, and has changed my commentary! Initially there were thoughts about poor Sarah and ratcheting up tension with a small, personal moment - and that does work well, but, with reflection I'm sad to say Mid-Earth is getting off easy because it doesn't have the potential extinction event of a compromised fucking SPACE ELEVATOR! Which means despite my enjoyment of the Mid-Earth characters we've spent our time with I'm now distracted by wonder/worrying about Max-Earth. Which may have been your intention. Minor note - I don't know if it's a change to the Substack mobile browser interface or a side effect of installing the chat app, but I can no longer insert paragraph breaks into this comment field, so apologies if you get stuck with run-on paragraphs. It's not me, man!

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