I got a response today relating to some old post I made online arguing against the notion that American Sci-Fi (TV/movies) are inherently racist because, gosh darn it, the shows always more or less portray the US as leaders or represent the main viewpoint. My counter argument was, of course, based on the simple notion that fiction from a nation - particularly consumerist fiction like movies and TV (ultimately made to make money for a studio, not for a love of art). I pointed out that that in every Russian sci-fi film, Russia takes the lead. In a kaiju movie or anime it's almost inevitably the Japanese leading the "Earth Defense Forces." Then there's good old Doctor Who, which gave the UK an awesome space program. Even UNIT (United Nations Intellegence Taskforce) stayed with Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart in Britain and made it pretty clear the UK branch of UNIT was the most important. Would have been fun to see the Brig drag Pertwee all over the globe!

All of this builds up to it being a bit surprising, but a bit of fun to see you taking the piss out of the Mid-Earth British Empire.

Typo: "More concerning was the smug lack of concern, his face betraying not even a flicker of worry about hie predicament." His.

The Next Chapter button is missi--

Oh, shit, I'm caught up! At least it's the end of an arc. Would suck to blaze through the story so far and be stuck in the middle of a multi chapter action scene.

Is it Friday yet?

Is it Friday yet?

Is it Friday yet?

Is it Friday yet? Is it Friday yet? Is it Friday yet? Is it Friday yet?

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Thanks, will fix the typo and missing button!

The Triverse setup is of course an excuse to re-examine history through the changes that have occurred in the story's setting. The British Empire in Mid-Earth is stronger than it ever was in real history, but it's also riddled with many of the same flaws. Specifically, an intense superiority complex that hides the reality of a country slowly slipping behind the rest of the world.

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Which means you're also taking the piss out of the US! 👍😅


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Also, now I can actually say the Next Chapter button is missing. 😉

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The problem with scheduling chapters is that I can't auto-schedule updating the PREVIOUS chapter. At least, I don't think I can...

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Probably not. But it won't hurt if I make it a point to double check a prior chapter when a new one comes out, so, if you'd can't update the button on a schedule, you don't accidentally forget after a fun outing with the family. 👍😊

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I wonder how much Ethiopia really knows about Max Earth? Maybe it's just me being paranoid, but when the guy starts talking about reaching a utopian endgame I tend to think Thanos or the Borg, not necessarily the Federation. (Even they had issues, but I digress).

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You can be sure it's not as simple as Birhane is perhaps hoping.

I'll be exploring a lot of this more in 2024's upcoming storylines.

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