Justin does seem to show up a lot, I notice. I wonder if the other megaship, Could Kill, sends down shards like that as well? Hm.

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Well, Zoltan, at least she brought it up in advance this time. Sober, even (as I assume Nisha is disciplined enough to not intoxicate during work). It's an improvement.

Justin must have been thrilled to have a surprise.

Zoltan touches on the "new tool" topic I brushed against last chapter, though on a whole other level.

Ethiopian food... Sadly, not a cuisine I've been able to enjoy. Laura has a severe onion allergy and it seems Ethiopian food (as presented in Australia, at least) uses onion in almost everything. Last time we tried we couldn't find a safe meal for her, so we ended up at a Nepalese place and enjoyed a quite delish goat curry.

Travel to restaurants of all cuisines broadens the stomach.

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An onion allergy must be tricky. My wife is intolerant to onion, which isn't as serious but is still quite tricky to handle. There are some great Ethiopian restaurants in London - but, yes, onion is prevalent.

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